Self-defense/Martial Arts seminars, workshops & demonstrations
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At the age of 6, Robert put on his first Martial Arts uniform. Little did he realize that this uniform was going to be a uniform of life. By the age of 16, he had earned his first degree black belt by the World Tae Kwon Do Federation and the Tae Soo Do, Chung Do Kwan. Furthermore, Robert held the 1st place Gold Medal position by the AAU, 1sth Place in the Fight for Cancer Championships and the 1st place Championship for the Iron Wolverines competition.
Having grown up with a single mother who had many strengths, teaching her child how to defend himself was a concern that came and went by the late teen age years. Robert certainly learned how to defend him self. By the age of 18 Robert became the Chief Instructor of the Dragon Gym under Grand Master Goh Chae Teok. This training facility was located in Exton, Pennsylvania which was about 1 hour from the home of Robert. During the years of study under this Teacher it became obvious that not only was Robert very good at what he did in Martial Arts but even more so he was a true Instructor. Robert had the ability to work with people in a way that did many positive things. Not only did the students learn the techniques better but even more so the positive spirit that he created became environments that the students lusted to become a surrounding in there life. During the years of Instructing at the Dragon Gym Robert would go on weekends to study under other famous Grand Masters from all over the Country. Some other Korean Martial Arts that he studied were Sun Moo Kwan Hapkido, Kuk Sool Won, Sin Moo Hapkido, Kum Do and Yudo. His techniques went from kicks and punches to joint locks, take downs, body throws, weapons, Ki breathing and meditation. During this period of time Robert new in his mind that it was time to come back to his home town in New Jersey.
In December of 1989 Robert opened up the Traditional Martial Arts Institute in Somerdale, New Jersey. With the assistance of a fellow Martial Artist and good friend Grand Master Kenneth P. MacKenzie support the guidance was present. Martial Artists traveled from many places to come and study at the Traditional Martial Arts Institute.
After successfully operating the school for over a year the demonstration of Certain Victory came to be. It was a Friday evening when Robert was pushed into a physical confrontation that led to a gun shot that left him blind and near death.
After several months of time, love, family, and indomitable spirit Robert came back to his school. All of his students and fellow Martial Artists helped to keep the school running while the healing was taking place. The appreciation was there for all of the students and fellow Martial Artists but the reality was that Robert had to make some serious choices in what direction to go in life. So in the early summer of 1991 the Traditional Martial Arts Institute held the last class. Robert told all of his students that Martial Arts will always be there in heart and spirit. He thanked all of the students for every thing they demonstrated to the school. It was a difficult time in life when the school closed down but it was a decision that had to be made.
Today Robert still teaches Martial Arts from the heart. Sharing his story and demonstrating to others that strength, courage and indomitable spirit lies within all of us. Robert has held seminars and work shops all over the country; working with women’s groups, blind and visually impaired organizations, schools, corporations and other Martial Arts studios. His method of teaching is always a curiosity to others. Some often question if Robert can see or not. The teachings and methods of how to defend one's self in life is at times the cherry on top of his seminars. Often Robert is called the Flowering Warrior of modern times who has given light to many who were in much need.
For more information on a seminar and/or workshop for self-defense or Martial Arts, please feel free to contact Robert at